Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Balije Pond near Vleuten, the Netherlands 

Airing up the boat and getting ready to paddle out for the first time.

Tying an anchor rope to the boat and then to a tree. It's windy and we are trying to be safe.

Last minute self pep talk. 

Time for push off. Really enough room for 4 or 6 kids. 

Paddling against the wind. Row, row, row your boat. 

Monday, April 30, 2012

More in Vleuterweide on Queen's Day

A few more shots of Queen's Day at Vleuterweide, the Netherlands. Lots of kids buying and selling stuff. Nobody really minds negotiating with kids. I got a brand new USB stick for 50cents. Or that was the price quote. The grandma interrupted my steal of a transaction and said, "We were saying 1 or 2 euro was our bottom price." Who can argue with a 1.00 USB stick with a floating pig design.

 Making sidewalk angels.

 This group of teenagers also sang on stage singing Birdy songs.

 Giving some change for the street performers.

Queen's Day 2012 - Vleuterweide & Leersum

On this Queen's Day, I took pictures in both Leersum and my village Vleuterweide which was full of little orange kids, and parents. Queen's Day is a nationwide flea market where kids, families, divorcees, singles, young, old, all sell their old treasures on the street. It's nearly a requirement to wear orange in support of the royal family named Oranje or Orange.

 Her headband with a crown and orange braided pigtails was my absolute favorite.

 These two are mine.

Adam is angry because he cannot find any quality products to buy with his 5 euro. 

 Some kids sell their old toys and stuff. Some kids play and sing for money. 

 Got myself a Dutch flag painted on my face. Van Den Berg Photography.

 Even the animals go orange. 

These two guys had been to the city of Rhenen where the Queen visited personally today. 
In Rhenen, they gave out these orange sashes and hats to the crowd. 

Heading home with grandma in Vleuterweide.

Heading home with training wheels in Leersum. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tulip Time - Put it on your Bucket List

It's that time of year. The tulips are in bloom and about to get chopped. Most of the tulip fields you see here are for growing bulbs. Some of these flowers never make it to your dining room table, or anyone's table.

I took these pictures along the coast of the North Sea near Schagen, the Netherlands. Absolutely no colorization or photoshopping needed. Not much text or explanation needed either. Just gorgeous fields and worth the flight, drive, money to see the tulips in real life. Put it on your 'Bucket List.'